From the desk of Joel Otterstrom President of WpConcierges

Since the middle of November my mind has been focused on a project. The project is called In November I went down to Affiliate Summit West. Billy Gene was the keynote speaker. I went to one talk at Affiliate Summit West the rest of the time I had meetings. That talk was Billy Genes talk. I thought it was great hes a very dynamic speaker. I looked over and saw Vince. I was like I need to talk to Vince. But after the talk, he slipped out the back with Billy. Later that day I was in meetings and I got up from my meeting and saw Billy and his ontourage. I started following my guy Cody Myer was like what are you doing. The group stopped for a moment and I was like are you Vince Reed and he said yeah. I said hey back in 2019 we talked about another project he was doing and asked him how it was going. Then he went on to tell me about his idea for eboov.
A couple of weeks later he got me involved and I have been excited ever since. My team and I have been putting a lot of hours into it. I have been working on it on a Rev Share basis offered by Vince, which has kept me motivated and focused on it.
There’s an eCommerce side of the eboov that I will be launching in April to help you with faster sales, that I am excited to use with my own stuff. Also great when you can use the tool for your own stuff. The software is still in Beta and really will be a way to shorten your lead and sales.
Checkout the Demo Here and sign up. Hopefully, there is a Trial Available for you still.