choosing the right e-commerce platform
Let's compare Commercetools and WooCommerce...
WooCommerce vs Commercetools
Which One is a Better Ecommerce Platform?
Which medium is best?
Honestly speaking, there is no definite answer to that. Your ideal solution depends on the needs of your business and the features of the platform. Read ahead to get an insight into both of the platforms.
WooCommerce is a well-known online store platform if you already have experienced WordPress since it incorporates into it. WooCommerce is a great platform to create an inexpensive online store. On WooCommerce, there are so many plugins available that help integrates your store parts into your other content pieces on the WordPress website.
- On WooCommerce, you get various payment gateways so that you can choose how your payments are processed.
- WooCommerce integration with word press is excellent, and you are required to do the least to get your site running.
- The core software of WooCommerce is entirely free and available for everyone. Even though you only get basic functionality, you can do a lot with it.
- WooCommerce is easy to use and maintain.
- Excellent scalability and localization.
- WooCommerce offers different dashboards and has a simple product listing.
- Promptness in installation and configuration.
- Even though WooCommerce has a free plugin, you might need premium plugins to help you in the long run.
- WooCommerce has complicated learning curves even with guides and tutorials.
- The graphical user interface can be improved.
- Additional check-out add-ons.
- While WooCommerce core software is completely free but, premium plugins and themes can charge you a lot. Also, the fees are not only one time, but it is also incurred annually.
CommerceTools is an API enables cloud solution that forces seamless integration and quick deployment. It collects the customer product and pricing data from the ERP system and offers interaction with the help of the API Model. The platform utilizes API query languages such as graphQI. CommerceTools regulates the user instructions and data flow between back-end ERP systems and front-end clients.Â
- CommerceTools is a Fully API Enabled platform. All range of functionality needed for an e-commerce business is covered by API.
- There is no requirement to use SQL or other customization.
- No back Office hosting and maintenance as the platform is a cloud solution.
- The CommerceTools platform is ever-expanding. It contains all the necessary solutions to operating an e-commerce business. The functionality and new capabilities are constantly introduced and updated.
- CommerceTools has pricing limitations concerning customer/SKU combination. It is difficult for commercetools to map custom pricing for customers.
- CommerceTools has a central product master that does not support product activation on different geographies. Hence, Geographic variations can be seen in the product portfolio.
- The platform suffers from data mapping limitations to full fledge ERP platforms. Data mapping workshops are essential to fit the functionality of the ERP platform from order and delivery to warehouse operations.
Wrapping up
To sum up, No one can guarantee you anything when it comes to choosing between two platforms. Your business plans, needs, and expectations will help you drive to a conclusion.
What can our woocommerce experts do for you?
With over 20 years of building ecommerce solutions for our clients we have you covered from A to Z. We are a full stack ecommerce agency that specializes in WooCommerce and WooCommerce tools to provide personalized ecommerce experiences for your customers. Let the power of WooCommerce bring your ecommerce store to life, and let our Wp Concierges assist you in your ecommerce vision
Let us take care of your WooCommerce store so you can take care of your business!
We are a group of experts who are passionate about making high converting WooCommerce Stores using the latest in WooCommerce technology. We specialize in WooCommerce support, and services.Â
We are WP Concierges!