Easily Send data to your affiliate network

With WoocOmmerce order postback

WooCommerce Order Postback Plugin

Do you run an affiliate network? Are you manually entering order data into your affiliate systems?  The WooCommerce order postback plugin saves you time and streamlines your processes.


This plugin comes in both standard and pro configurations; the pro offers more granularity than the standard. 

standard configuration

The standard postback plugin posts order data from your WooCommerce store to any URL of  your choosing. 

How It Works

The data is passed when the WooCommerce Thank You page loads, and the order status changes from “pending” to “processing.” Please note that this plugin works with WooCommerce simple products, product variations, and subscription products.

POST/GET Functionality

The way this plugin works is that it takes all of the order metadata and order items, and runs a POST/GET function to push it to your chosen affiliate network URL. Please note that you need to choose to send your request as POST or GET.

URL To Post To

The data is then pushed in the configuration that you set up on the back end, and posted to the URL that does not have a query parameter (ie a question mark – ?) in it. 

Query String Variables

If you need to include query string variables, please add them in the “key value” settings. This is the full URL, and should include HTTPS.

For example, in order to pass the total amount of the order, you would add “amount” to the key, and “order_total” to the value.

Key Value Pairs

The key can be any query/post field name of your choosing.  To get started, you can use any of the  replacement variables below for the key values. If you’d prefer, you can define your own values as well.


These features are included in both the free and pro versions of the plugin:

Fire Only When Click ID Is Present

This allows you to choose to fire the pixel on every sale, or only when the click_id from the affiliate network is set.

When placing affiliate pixels you generally will have this set to “yes” to ensure that the data is only sent when the sale came from that network.

Incoming Click ID Key

This is the key that will be passed in from the affiliate network, and can be defined by the affiliate network. It will be placed into a cookie available on your domain, which is then available for 30 days on the client’s computer. This ensures that the affiliate gets proper credit during that time period.

If the key exists, and the Incoming Click ID is set to “yes,” then it will fire. If the incoming click id is not set, and the pixel isset to fire on “yes,” it will not fire. This is optional. 

Outgoing Click ID Key

This is the click id key name that will be passed back to the affiliate network. Its value will be the value of the cookie from the incoming click_id key.

WooCommerce Order Data Replacements for Key Value Pairs

The following values you enter into the “value” field of the “key” value pairs.  


For example:

So if the “key” that you were posting was called “amount”, meaning the affiliate network wants to know the order amount.  Then key 1 field equals the word “amount” and the value 1 field is equal to “order_total”.  Now when an actual order takes place the variable would be replaced with the actual “order_total” number.  This is simply the order number formatted how ever you have it formated in WordPress without the currency field.  There is no need to enter [ or { into the value field as the plugin does the replacement.  So just use the words that match the exact case as its found below.   


  • billing_email
  • billing_phone
  • billing_first_name
  • billing_last_name
  • billing_company
  • billing_address_1
  • billing_address_2
  • billing_city
  • billing_state
  • billing_country


  • shipping_first_name
  • shipping_last_name
  • shipping_company
  • shipping_address_1
  • shipping_address_2
  • shipping_city
  • shipping_state
  • shipping_postcode
  • shipping_country


  • order_tax
  • order_total
  • cart_discount
  • cart_discount_tax
  • order_shipping
  • order_shipping_tax
  • order_currency
  • payment_method
  • customer_ip_address
  • transaction_id
  • paid_date
  • customer_user
  • order_number
  • product_total: (sub-total before shipping and taxes)


This comes over as a json object assigned to the key “products:”

  • product_id
  • name
  • cost
  • quantity
  • sku

pro configuration


All Postbacks are stored in a log to show that they fired, and what their response was.  This can be found in Woocommerce -> Status -> Logs -> order-postback-woo-date log


Order Status Change

This will send the order data to the script when the status changes to “processing.” This is great if you need to send subscription order data to an order script.

Retargeting Pixel

This is an image or javascript pixel that is placed into the footer of all pages.  Usually meant for retargeting to capture all page views and peoples data.  You generally get this from the ad/affiliate network.  This is optional

Custom Headers

These are headers that can be passed along with the post or get.  You can have multiple headers by separating them by a comma. This is optional.


Unlimited Postback Urls

Create unlimed postback urls.  The free version is limited to just one url.  Also for a limited  time you can use on any number of domains. 

The Woo Postback plugin works with most affiliate networks:

  • Maxbounty
  • Rakuten
  • CJ
  • Pepperjam
  • Clickbooth
  • TrafficRoots
  • Commissionsoup
  • HasOffers
  • Clixgalore
  • Miva
  • AdStage
  • Nativo
  • Outbrain
  • Taboola
  • Cake
  • Tune
  • Lemonads
  • Affiliaxe
  • MyLead

Any network that supports image or server 2 server postback calls.

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